Collace being a world with a pretty liberal legal code,
recreational drugs were generally legal, regulated – and taxed. Drug smuggling, however, was something they
cracked down hard on, and the IISS helped out where they can.
In the last 6 months however, things had changed. Drugs
had been flooding in from somewhere, far faster than before, and a new
concoction had come with them, known on the streets as “Bluey”. Even on Collace, this stuff wouldn’t be rated as legal – it
had hideous side-effects, leaving the users psychotic and suicidal, as well as
slightly blue, especially in the sclerae.
Ostergaard set up a task force to tackle this, expecting it
to be fairly simple narc police work – but things did not work out that way.
The police tried investigation, stings, traps, kick-the-door-in busts and
nothing worked. Every time they got close or shut a pipeline down, another
opened; sometimes they get to the target and there’s simply no-one there; sometimes their agents simply disappeared or turned out dead, shot by experts.
Reluctantly, she had to face the fact that she had an internal leak
somewhere. In despair, she turned to Moath to see if he has anything to
suggest. With Captain Stobart’s account of the PCs’ brave actions in his hand, he had…
With a leak in the force, attempts to infiltrate the smugs
were doomed as they were able to identify the agents. However, a group of
footloose ex-servicemen from offworld with a need for money, a familiarity with
weapons and flexible scruples could be just what the smugs are looking for.
Ostergaard’s most trusted officer, DI Giseki Namkad, operates on the highport , and is therefore
separate from the compromised planetary force. Officially assigned to following up on reports
of robot thefts, he was there to try and set up an infiltration. Moath
wanted put the PCs forward to be hired for this. He asked if they are
interested in the job, which would pay Cr10,000/mth
plus all medical expenses incurred, and the dibbles will pick up the PCs’ accom
tab after their stay. The party engaged in some haggling over price and checking what their legal status would be, and Moath suggested they talk to the lawman himself.
They met DI Namkad in a rather nice restaurant an hour later. He was thin, swarthy and pock-marked,
looking an archetypal Bad Guy, a pretty useful look for an undercover detective. He shook hands
all round - taking an extra moment to meet Quin Feng’s eyes - and thanked them for their interest in helping stop this hideous
His plan was pretty simple; the PCs were going to commit a
Rosita Ostergaard
Namkad has contacts in
Arcology who could set up the circumstances. Equipped with convincing
non-lethal weapons, the PCs would stage a daring robbery of a jewellers’ in the
city. Not just
a jewellers’.
jewellers’; Cartiff’s, the most snobbish of snobby jewellery shops on Collace.
In a spectacular and merciless display they would shoot their way out of the
establishment, ‘murdering’ ersatz staff and blowing things up, before fleeing to
Staerla City, possibly the most
dysfunctional settlement on the planet, where they would disappear.
This will be made easy by the LEO being given
misleading information by Namkad’s department, and by the very best in fake
identities provided by the same.
At this point the PCs were already beginning to throw out their own ideas on how to tackle the operation, much to the pleasure of their prospective patrons. They bargained for somewhat better pay, getting an offer of Cr20/mth for a minimum 3 months, but were still holding out for a completion bonus. When they mentioned a fancy for a winter sports holiday in Tynmos, Namkad grinned and gave them an account to bill it to, as it was excellent cover.
Moath and Ostergaard were confident that the smugs would be on the
lookout for amoral, effective and subtle criminals of the type the PCs would be
portrayed as, and were confident that they would be approached by recruiters. The
PCs job would be to sign up with the smugs, get as deep in as they can, and try
and trace the pipeline. Once they have uncovered how it works and who is behind
it, Ostergaard could clean house in her force and close the smugs down with
extreme prejudice.
The belter from the earlier RTA was indeed a Bluey victim and had since died of withdrawl in the cells; another feature of the stuff.
Moath was able to offer a process to get the group’s less legal weaponry and equipment delivered to Tynmos.
With the deal at least roughed out, Namkad told the PCs to
go back to their digs. He gave them a ‘burner’ hand commo with a cheap
address, to which he’d send the OK to Go signal and the fake IDs.